Sunday, May 15, 2011


        今天的感觉好不一样哦。我还会像以往一样过生活:上课写字,玩电脑,看电视睡觉。但不同的是,少了一个人在我旁边。今天早上,我们一家人都送妹妹去Stadium Shah Alam。早上7点多,我们全部就起床了。待妹妹准备好后,我们就出发咯。一到那边,只看见她是第一个人坐在前面等待其他人的到来。本来呢,依修也去同一个地方的,可是因为她得去UTAR(Kampar)读书,所以就延后了。
        慢慢的,人也越来越多了。大概10点15分,他们才启程。最糟糕的是,妹妹在还没开始出发前就跌到受伤了,幸好没大碍,只是皮外伤。最感到意外的是,贝文竟然和妹妹属于同一个营队,同样的都是Paya Indah。所以说,妹妹有伴咯。真不知道她现在怎么样了。以前,我们俩去到哪里都会是双双对对的。即使我们分开,都只在一个范围之内。这一次,还真是有史以来第一次散得这么远。爸爸叫我考完STPM后,就马上申请去国民服务,相信那是个不错的经验,再加上可以玩枪。说到枪,妹妹一定要努力了。若一直射不到,就会被收枪不能再玩的。
        我们今天一直跟到他们的巴士到Paya Indah。真不明白为什么巴士是既要走远路,爸爸说只要沿着Puchong的路走很快就会到。看了妹妹没多久,我们就回家了。说好每个星期日去看她一次,可老爸却想要看看如果我们没去,她会怎么样?真坏蛋!我就相信她不会打电话回来的问的。
        明天是第一天上课,班上的人相信是少之又少,寥寥无几。该去国民服务的去了,去大学大概也出发了。我们的物理班必定很少人。生物班得更不用说了,来来去去就是那两个人:Lim 和慧芊。

Monday, May 2, 2011

Gathering with BEST Frenz on 2nd May

     Today i went to IOI mall with my friends...but lim is not following=.=of coz, Pui Yeng always b the driver again since she has most experience among us.
     At first, we went to the redbox. Songs always included english n korean bcoz Pui Yeng n Ang are the their BIG FANS, esp Ang keh Ho. everyone knows that. So expensive today, need RM16++. Dis year always take money from papa, almost pokai ed. Saaadd..........
     In redbox, all of us gav the others the presents we prepared. Everyone opened their presents. Ann gav sport shirt; Yi Xiu=money box; Ang=a keychain with a small hat; Sze Lyn= fragrant flowers(banana flavour) n Pui Yeng=big bag for my future?hehe....
     When i get home, i open the notes that u all gav. I felt so sweet n happy. N i will always appreciate the frenship we made from form 1 even after the dis high school life. Thank you for everything dat u all gav to me in my life.
 And...........i wont forget abt the promise dat i made today------BELANJA MAKAN!