Friday, November 20, 2015





上次爬山黑青,我说脚趾痛,肿了,你说什么?这么夸张四个字就没有了。第二次爬山,我脚受伤,你看到就讲“酱罢了是吗?“。那些不是刺,是刀,狠狠的看我的心。心有多痛,你懂吗?我说了,你道歉,然后呢?又忘了。今天你就讲回我中蚊症的时候。”是谁晚上不睡觉在你去医院?“,”是谁做工还跑去看你?“。 所以你觉得你不应该载我去医院的?如果不是因为家里没人可以载,家里没车,我要叫你吗?需要打给你吗?那好啊,我以后不管大病小病什么事都不用告诉你就好了。以后对你,我只有yes和no,没有其他了,你满意了吗?开心了吗?这也是我能做到的罢了。当然我识做的,别人面前我会当作什么事都没就好了。

Monday, September 1, 2014

=P  =P  =P  =P  =P  =P  =P  =P  =P  =P  =P  =P  =P  =P  =P  =P  =P  =P  =P  =P  =P  =P  =P  =P  =P

Wednesday, May 28, 2014


亲爱的爸爸,生日快乐!祝你不管在哪里都一样幸福快乐。我们永远爱你,永远想你  <3 p="">

Monday, May 26, 2014

下乡后的第一学期 =)

          新的学期开始了,有喜当然也有悲。开心的是,辛辛苦苦准备的下乡营已经结束了。4天3夜的关爱成长营也落幕了。从团大到筹备营,再到下乡,很开心认识到了很多朋友。虽然我比较迟才出现,但是大家还是对我很好,在此要跟大家说声谢谢,爱你们哦! 为了这一次的下乡,我们都没有回家,即使是住在很靠近的也一样留在Setapak。大家真的辛苦了。我学会了几首手语,歌也很好听;还学会了彩色,还要从深到浅,真不是开玩笑的。舞台背景也很美,心型的设计和里面的机关也不是假的,都是我们一心一意,用心良苦制作出来的。第七届真的很棒。在礼让的培英华小的小学生也很可爱。虽然遇到了一些问题,但是还是解决了。很高兴认识到了你们这班活泼可爱又感性的小朋友,我们还会再见面的哦,到时可别忘了我这个姐姐。

Sunday, January 26, 2014

A Great Start for My 2nd Sem ^^

          新学期开始已经有两个礼拜了,功课渐渐在增加。到现在都还没想好功课的内容题目, 暂时不想了。这两天参与了营会,很不错的经验。最重要的,认识了挺多新朋友,而且还记到名字和样子。虽然一些gamemaster还是记不到不过算了吧, 相信会有机会再认识的。第一天,明明说是8点20要到9点开车,结果搞到9点半才出发。害我怕迟到跑去搭taxi,白白多花RM4。司机又不会去,走错路,左兜右兜才到达目的地。很多活动都被推迟了。晚上的night jungle trekking差点因为下雨而泡汤了,不过最后还是有走。有不一样的感觉,但是又有点闷,只是跟着绳子这样爬什么都看不到。早上起来吃了早餐就要去走泥潭,其实是obstacle course,真的很刺激很喜欢,好像在探险。最不喜欢的应该是拔河吧,有少少不满但是就算了反正也没太在意输赢。我们的组竟然能拿到Best decision奖。哈哈!真不知是哪里来的评论。挺喜欢队员的,互相帮忙,不分你我的感觉。最后虽然有插伤一点,但是个很好的体验,有机会一定会在参与。 Are we fighter?YES! Fight, fight, fight!Fight for Ur LIFE! YEAH!!! 我们是Team Fighter。

Monday, January 13, 2014

New Semester

        Waseh! Here comes my second sem now, juz moved to Setapak yesterday with family. Small fatty boy becomes so cute and more talkative even though don understand what is he talking about. Well, I have 2 roommates, my niece and a stranger. Although I don really talk to her and only knew her for one day, she is quite good for the first impression. The toilet door here cannot be locked! The lucky 1 is that we r staying in a master room, so we r having our own toilet to use. There are 8 people in the house, 3 malays which included 1 couple, two chinese boys beside our room and us. The environment is not bad but nid to be careful. I heard there are quite a lot of robbery case happened. Staying for one day i can roughly know wat i nid to buy for my daily activities, hope wont forget anything again.
        I'm having my first class today for this sem, the first subject lecture class gone well. We ( my fren and I) went to the tutor class and there was only one guy inside, luckily i asked him is he having the same class with us and he said no, the tutor class is cancelled usually in week 1. if i did not ask him, im pretty sure that we r going to be like 2 stupid sitting in other ppl class for an hour. Then we went to the cafeteria and have a seat to wait for the next class. Wow! It was boring until every1 feel so sleepy until my fren was going to close her eyes. He juz kept talking abt the definitions of the maths words. Only abt the last half an hour comes to the topic. But i wont deny that sometimes he makes me recall what i hav learnt in form 6, that's not a bad thing.
       What a good news is that we are two days holiday in week 1, can go home earlier than expected even though i can go back every friday if there is nothing for the weekend. Gonna meet my family soon. By the way, this year not sure going to celebrate CNY, kinda blur abt this. I heard mom said no but donno can wish ppl or not.
        Well, for this sem, i hope to be more active in activity. Going to join a camp end of jan, i still haven buy my shoes. Jia you la, hwaiting!!!

Saturday, October 19, 2013

My New Class

     So fast finish one week. Meimei went back to Terengganu today but I can't go to the airport with her because of having class until 12pm. Time really goes fast without notice. Gonna wait her come back again until next year before CNY. Since that we are not going to celebrate it, so we are thinking to have another plan. I promise er ge and meimei to cook chicken chop for them, haha.....donno can or not. Later burn dy need mama's help to rescue.
     Finish my first week Uni life. have to drive to school every time having class. 8am class but need to go out 6 ++am to prevent traffic jam, soooo tiring~Luckily this thursday no tutorial can go back home early. French is really so difficult to learn. Troublesome but quite interesting. All the objects also got gender, even country also got, grammar used are different for different things. "The" also got masculin and feminin. Totally donno what the lecturer talking about when he speaks French. Haha....most of us juz laugh when it sounds funny. Wondering we can finish our works and test or not.
     Tomorrow Kinderworld is having their concert and graduation. I'm going to help since I haven move to Setapak. I want to watch their performances after our hard work to make it success. It's the night tomorrow after we paid so much effort on it. It is going to be held in SJK(C) Chee Wen. Concert will be start at 7pm but the teacher and students need to get ready and gather at 4pm. Sleep well tonight so won't be too tired tomorrow. Bonne nuit^^(Goodnite)